(“CIBGNY”) is a leading professional trade association representing independent insurance agents and brokers in the major metropolitan region of New York State.

Don’t let regulators and legislators control your fate. Have your voice heard.
Join CIBGNY in ensuring that the livelihoods and business interests of all insurance professionals in your office, and the interests of their clients, are protected for years to come.
CIBGNY members come from all New York City Boroughs, Long Island, Westchester, and Rockland Counties. The CIBGNY originated in 1967 as an association of various local New York City brokers’ associations and subsequently became the successor organization. Its retained vendor staff and member volunteer leadership help promote and ensure equitable treatment of its agent/broker members and the insurance and financial security needs and interests of their clients.
CIBGNY provides a significant and proactive advocacy voice for its members and clients’ interests and concerns. It also provides a forum for the exchange of ideas through both professional education and professional networking.
Membership in CIBGNY is unique because:
- Members have immediate impact/access to the Board.
- Members have an immediate voice in the policy direction of the association
- Members have direct access to the organization’s lobbyist(s) and to legislators and regulators in New York State.
CIBGNY is an established voice in Albany. CIBGNY has led the way in several legislative/regulatory issues such as Loss Runs, Late Notice of Claims, Self Service Storage Company Limited Insurance Licenses, and Producer Compensation.